This was a fun little friday experiment. Transfering MoGraph data to Spline Data with Python Tag. I don’t know how useful it is, but it is fun to play with.
import c4d from c4d import utils as u from c4d.modules import mograph as mo def main(): clamp = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,2] # User Data: 'Clamp' intrp = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,3] # User Data: 'Interpolation' obj = op.GetObject() # Get object md = mo.GeGetMoData(obj) # Get MoData if md is None: return False # If there is no MoData, stop processing cnt = md.GetCount() # Get clone count marr = md.GetArray(c4d.MODATA_MATRIX) # Get MoData matrix spline = c4d.SplineData() # Initialize Spline Data for i in range(0, cnt): x = u.RangeMap(marr[i].off.x, 0, 100, 0, 1, clamp) # Calculate X position y = u.RangeMap(marr[i].off.y, 0, 100, 0, 1, clamp) # Calculate Y position spline.InsertKnot(x, y) # Insert new knot leftTangent = c4d.Vector(0, 0, 0) # Left tangent values rightTangent = c4d.Vector(0, 0, 0) # Right tangent values spline.SetKnot(i, c4d.Vector(x,y,0), 0, False, leftTangent, rightTangent, intrp) # Edit knot spline.DeleteKnot(spline.GetKnotCount()-1) # Remove some leftovers spline.DeleteKnot(spline.GetKnotCount()-1) # Yes, do it twice op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,1] = spline # Set spline data to user data
ar_tag_mograph_to_splinedata.c4d v1.0.1 (2023.1.2)