Finally I have updated AR_Scripts for Cinema 4D R25 (and S26) and Python 3.9.1. These updated scripts can be found on my Github. Check them out!

I have added many nice scripts and removed some buggy and deprecated ones. I have now moved to work with R25 (and now with new S26) and this means that I’m not writing scripts nor tools for the older Cinema 4D versions and Python 2. For now I’m keeping old scripts in “AR_Scripts_1.0.16_R21_Deprecated” folder on Github for those who uses older C4D’s.

All of the scripts should work with Windows and MacOS machines. There’s currently 91 scripts, many with multiple actions (via keyboard modifier) and new scripts are coming depending how lazy I’m.

AR_Scripts (Aturtur’s Cinema 4D Scripts)

Cinema 4D, Python