This effector helps, when you are scaling clones and default MoGraph operations gives a weird results.

import c4d
from c4d.modules import mograph as mo

def main():
    method = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,2] # User Data: Method
    negative = op[c4d.ID_USERDATA,3] # User Data: Negative Values
    md = mo.GeGetMoData(op) # Get MoData
    if md is None: return False # If there is no MoData, stop processing
    cnt = md.GetCount() # Get clone count
    marr = md.GetArray(c4d.MODATA_MATRIX) # Get MoData matrix
    farr = md.GetArray(c4d.MODATA_FLAGS) # Get MoData flags
    for i in range(0, cnt): # Iterate through clones
        sx = marr[i].v1.GetNormalized()[0] # Get scale x
        sy = marr[i].v2.GetNormalized()[1] # Get scale y
        sz = marr[i].v3.GetNormalized()[2] # Get scale z
        if negative == 1: # If 'Negative Values' checkbox is ticked
            if sx < 0: # If x is smaller than zero
                sx = 0 # Set x to zero
            if sy < 0: # If y is smaller than zero
                sy = 0 # Set y to zero
            if sz < 0: # If z is smaller than zero
                sz = 0 # Set z to zero
        if sx == 0: # If x-scale is zero
            marr[i].v1 = c4d.Vector(0.0000001,0,0) # Set x-scale to extreme small
        if sy == 0: # If y-scale is zero
            marr[i].v2 = c4d.Vector(0,0.0000001,0) # Set y-scale to extreme small
        if sz == 0: # If z-scale is zero
            marr[i].v3 = c4d.Vector(0,0,0.0000001) # Set z-scale to extreme small
        if method == 1: # If method is set to 'Hide'
            if sx == 0 or sy == 0 or sz == 0: # If some of the axis are zero
                farr[i] &= ~(c4d.MOGENFLAG_CLONE_ON) # Hide the clone
    md.SetArray(c4d.MODATA_FLAGS, farr, True) # Set MoData flags
    md.SetArray(c4d.MODATA_MATRIX, marr, True) # Set MoData matrix
    return True # Everything is fine

ar_effector_zero_scale_fix.c4d 1.0.0 (2023.1.2)

Cinema 4D, Effector, MoGraph, Python